The Compound Effect - Book Cover

The Compound Effect

Jumpstart your income, your life, your success

Darren Hardy


This book was recommended to me by a fellow Marine who went on to build a successful financial services business after his service in the Marine Corps. If you have served, or have had any close exposure to those who have served (Marines or any military branch), then you are aware of the armed forces' tendencies to train, train more, and then keep training until they are called to act. As active members and veterans of the armed forces, we know the importance of having a plan, taking action, developing habits, and becoming so consistent in their training that when called to act… their actions can be performed without thought and from a subconscious level.

This book, although not based on military experiences, provides anyone willing to take control of their personal success the tools and techniques to do so. Further, this book helps to stress the importance of developing positive habits with real world examples and powerful analogies.

The Compound Effect is not just another book about forming positive habits though. It stresses the power we have in our choices. It illustrates the power of momentum and the cost of losing it. It goes even further and challenges the reader to go beyond their current limits… to push through that “wall”.

Key Insights

  • Stresses the importance of being accountable, taking ownership of our life and building healthy habits.
  • Provides actionable steps along with resources at the end of each chapter.
  • The author speaks from experience and brings those experiences to the reader with colorful stories.
  • Promotes journaling as a method of self discovery to help the reader bring their actions inline with their values.
  • Prepares the reader for the long road ahead, disavows the validity of any quick fixes or magic potions for success, while driving the reality that It takes hard work… and a lot of it.
  • Stresses consistency, routine, the power of momentum and the cost of losing it.
  • Provides great analogies that help to add gravity to the importance of the concepts the author shares.
  • Goes beyond habits and into the realm of pushing through our limits.

A few of my favorite quotes from the book!

We’ve been hypnotized by commercial marketing, which convinces you of problems you don’t have and sells you on the idea of insta-fixes to “cure” them.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Real and lasting success requires work – and lots of it!
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Have you ever been bitten by an elephant? How about a mosquito? It’s the little things in life that will bite you.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) + Opportunity (a good thing coming your way) + Action (doing something about it) = Luck
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Every great act, every fantastic adventure, starts with small steps. The first step always looks harder than it actually is.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
The payoff or instant gratification derived from bad habits often far outweighs what’s going on in your rational mind concerning long-term consequences.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
When your actions conflict with your values, you’ll end up unhappy, frustrated, and despondent.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Habits and behaviors never lie. If there’s a discrepancy between what you say and what you do, I’m going to believe what you do every time.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Developing a routine of predictable, daily disciplines prepares you to be victorious on the battlefield of life.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Each and every incomplete thing in your life exerts a draining force on you, sucking the energy of accomplishment and success out of you as surely as a vampire stealing your blood.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
It's amazing how life will organize around the standards you set for yourself.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
It’s not getting to the wall that counts; it’s what you do after you hit it.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect
Motivation without action leads to self-delusion.
Darren Hardy: The Compound Effect

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