Painting the Warrior

Posted under: Foundations

Close your eyes

What images come to mind when you think of a warrior?  What traits and characteristics can you associate with these images?  Chances are, regardless of our paths in life, we will all draw similar pictures and come to similar conclusions.  After all, the warrior archetype lives within each and every one of us.  No, we may not be warriors in the traditional sense, but the energy of the warrior can be found within our motives and actions.

Embodying the warrior within

If you have read my About page, you already know that I consider myself to be a warrior.  It is a label I have adopted and a spirit I actively work to embody in my daily life.  But what does that mean?  What does that mean to embody the spirit of the warrior?

Know Your Why

In simple terms, the warrior’s actions are rooted in something greater than themselves.  Their primary driver is not personal gain, rather the warrior operates through a transpersonal commitment such as a devotion to family, country, or God.  It is this commitment to something greater than themselves that a warrior derives power from to help them push through adversity.  What is your Why?

Take Action

Warrior energy gets things done.  Warriors display decisive action without hesitation or procrastination.  However, this isn’t just any action that a warrior takes.  Their actions are filled with intention, intention that is connected and rooted in their “Why”.  

Show Discipline

Warriors are strategic by nature.  Broad action will not suffice, even when directed towards a higher order commitment.  Instead, a warrior’s actions are calculated, precise and disciplined.  With discipline, the warrior is capable of staying true to their mission and their path in life.  Even in the face of great adversity, physical and/or psychological hardships, the warrior pushes through and continues on.

Be accountable

With action comes consequences, in which sometimes can be less favorable than others.  Regardless of the consequences, warriors take ownership and are accountable for their actions. Further, warriors act with integrity, there is no deceit in their action, their intention is clear.  It is through accountability and integrity that a warrior gains and maintains their honor.  

Find a Teacher

Mastery over skills and attainment of wisdom do not happen from sheer spontaneity.  They are honed from years of action, discipline, and above all… humbling oneself in the tutelage of great teachers.  The warrior is not ego driven, rather they are open to receiving wisdom from those who have walked the path before them.

Train your Body

As a mechanism of action, the physical health of the warrior is a large contributing factor to their ability to take action and sustain said action.  Training should be viewed as much more than exercise, rather as the culmination of exercise, nutrition, and rest.  

Train your Mind

The warrior’s capability to take decisive action is largely dependent on mental clarity.  As such, the warrior must take time for reflection and elect to release those thoughts that do not serve them.  As previously mentioned, a warrior’s actions are intentful and rooted in their “Why”.  As such, a warrior who acts with clarity will always be at peace with their actions, never wallowing in guilt or shame.  

Do Your Best

No matter how trivial or grandiose the task, the warrior walks away knowing that they did their best.  This is not to discount the fact that there is always room for improvement through study, training, and experience.  Rather this is an acknowledgement of the authenticity and courage the warrior displays.  The warrior does not give it their all for recognition or reward.  Instead, the warrior acts in this manner with or without witness because it is who they are.

Next Steps…

There should be no surprise here, Take Action!  What that looks like, I can not tell you.  This could be reflection (possibly connecting to your “Why”), accountability (for some past action you have let slide), or even finding a teacher (I have someone in mind). Regardless, do your best and the warrior spirit within you is sure to grow stronger.

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